Urban Roots Free Trees

Free Trees for the East Side and North End

two girls planting tree
The East Side and North End have lower tree canopy coverage than other parts of the city. We are working to change that. Our conservation crews have planted thousands of trees in our public parks over the years, and now we want to bring the trees directly to you! Check out your areas tree canopy score here: https://www.treeequityscore.org/

In 2023, through a collaboration with the US Forest Service, AmeriCorps, Tree Trust, Frogtown Green, and nearby neighborhood organizations, we are helping to facilitate tree-planting in Hamline-Midway, Summit-University, and Payne-Phalen neighborhoods. Frogtown Green has a goal of 1,000 new trees planted by 2025! You can learn more by visiting their webpage.

Donated trees are kept over the summer months in our innovative community gravel beds located at the Rivoli Bluffs Farm and Restoration Site.

By adding to the tree canopy of our community, we help improve the environmental health of residents and visitors.


Disclaimer: Tree varieties will be updated for 2025. We give trees away on a first come first serve basis so feel free to express interest in a tree and we will reach out with this years available species when we know what they will be.

Interested in a Free tree?

Here’s how to do it!

Learn about our trees and fill out the form below.


From fruit to shade trees, we have something for every East Side yard! Read about our options and decide what’s best for you. Tell us your tree preference and how to get in touch with you by filling out the form below.

In fall, you dig a hole, and we plant your tree.


Youth interns will plant the tree for you! All you have to do is dig a hole for your new tree. And you’ll need to water it regularly! We’ll send additional tips on how to take care of it.

Tree Catalog






Common Name: ‘Autumn Brilliance’ Serviceberry
Botanical Name: Amelanchier x grandiflora ‘Autumn Brilliance’
Mature Height: 20-25 ft.
Mature Spread: 15-20 ft.
Exposure: Full sun

Ornamental Tree This popular tree offers white blossoms in spring, followed by sweet purplish-black, edible fruit over a long harvest period. Berries are good fresh, jarred, or frozen (no pitting or peeling required). Heavily branched, the tree has an interesting spreading pattern and attractive light gray bark with brilliant red-orange fall leaves. As serviceberry is a native tree species, the clusters of white flowers are particularly important to local pollinators.
MN Redbud




Common Name: ‘Minnesota Strain’ Redbud
Botanical Name: Cercis canadensis ‘Minnesota Strain’
Mature Height: 25 ft.
Mature Spread: 30 ft.
Exposure: Partial to Full sun

Ornamental Tree Smaller statured understory tree developed at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, this tree is typical of eastern and southern climes but has been bred to be hardy to Zone 4.  Beautiful clusters of rose-pink to magenta pea-like flowers emerge along its branches in May and form small seed pods in the summer.  Prefers well drained soil and cannot tolerate salt. Can be susceptible to verticillium wilt, leaf spots, mildew, Japanese beetles, borers and scale.
RJ Crabapple


Common Name: ‘Prairifire’ Crabapple
Botanical Name: Malus ‘Prairifire’
Mature Height: 15-20 ft.
Mature Spread: 15-20 ft.
Exposure: Full sun

Ornamental Tree The Prairifire crabapple is a hearty and relatively disease resistant fruiting ornamental tree. This tree is well known for its long bloom season and glossy, maroon leaves in the Spring. Produces fruit that is edible for humans and wildlife.
Prunus cerasus 'Montmorency'
SKU 08079




Common Name: ‘Montmorency’ Cherry
Botanical Name: Prunus cerasus ‘Montmorency’
Mature Height: 15-20 ft.
Mature Spread: 15-20 ft.
Exposure: Full sun

Ornamental Tree Produces red skinned, firm, yellow fleshed sweet and tangy cherries that are perfect for fresh eating, baking, or drying. One of the most popular cold climate tart cherry varieties, you can expect an abundant number of cherries after 3 years of growth. Self-pollinating, but will produce larger crops with another cherry tree nearby for pollination.

Shade Trees

River birch


Common Name: ‘Heritage’ River Birch
Botanical Name: Betula nigra ‘Heritage’
Mature Height: 40-70 ft.
Mature Spread: 40-60 ft.
Exposure: Partial to Full sun

Shade tree This medium sized native Minnesota tree is common in swamplands and river bottoms. Heavy exfoliating bark with salmon-cream to dark brown colors create year round visual interest in both single stemmed and multi-stemmed forms.  The ‘Heritage’ variety is a vigorous grower that is resistant to the bronze birch borer.  Prefers moist, fertile soils, but can tolerate drier conditions as well, making it a good choice for an urban environment.
close up of tree leaves


Common Name: American Linden
Botanical Name: Tilia americana 
Mature Height: 40-60 ft.
Mature Spread: 25-30 ft.
Exposure: Full sun

Shade Tree Also known as a Basswood, this rapid growing tree has fragrant yellow flowers in spring and dense foliage of heart shaped leaves that provide shade in the summer and turn golden in the fall.  These flowers are very attractive to local pollinators and make delicious honey.  Produces bird friendly berries in the summer.  Prefers moist, well drained soils, but will grow in a variety of soil conditions. ‘Redmond’ is a smaller statured variety of linden with a pyramidal form when mature.
Prarie Expidition Elm


Common Name: ‘Jefferson’ Elm
Botanical Name: Ulmus americana ‘Jefferson’
Mature Height: ~60 ft.
Mature Spread: 35-40 ft.
Exposure: Full sun

Shade Tree A true American elm, these trees are clones of an anomalous Dutch-elm resistant tree on the National Mall in Washington, DC close to the Smithsonian Institute. A large native Minnesota shade tree that tolerates urban conditions well, this is a classic boulevard tree for city streets.

Blue Beech


Common Name: Blue Beech
Botanical Name: Carpinus caroliniana
Mature Height: 20-35 ft.
Mature Spread: 20-35 ft.
Exposure: Full Shade to Full sun

Shade tree A Minnesota native understory tree also known as the musclewood or the American hornbeam. Its smooth blue-gray bark and interesting fluted trunk make it an attractive tree. Male and female catkins are present
through winter and spring, yielding hop-like seed pods in summer. Adaptable to a variety of soil types and
moisture levels.


Common Name: Ironwood/American Hophornbeam
Botanical Name: Ostrya virginiana 
Mature Height: 20-50 ft.
Mature Spread: 20–30 ft.
Exposure: Partial Shade to Full sun

Shade Tree Medium statured understory tree that is native to Minnesota, the ironwood or American Hophornbeam has birch like leaves and finely textured, grayish-brown bark on mature trees. Disease and pest resistant, this tree gets its common names from the strength and density of its wood and the hop-like seed pods that develop in summer.


Common Name: Kentucky Coffeetree
Botanical Name: Gymnocladus dioicus
Mature Height: 60-75 ft.
Mature Spread: 40-50 ft.
Exposure: Full sun

Shade Tree Despite being commonly named the Kentucky Coffeetree, this tree is native to small pockets of moist woodlands in Minnesota. It is tolerant of many conditions including a variety of soil types, road salt, and occasional drought, making it a good choice for an urban environment. The fragrant flowers attract pollinator insects and the seed pods do create winter interest, but can be messy.

Follow this link to learn about follow up tree care before or after receiving a tree from us:

You are donating to : Greennature Foundation

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