We are a Right Track YJ1 host site, to participate in the Urban Roots summer internship apply for Right Track, YJ1, and select Urban Roots at the Job Fair.
Apply for an opportunity to work at Urban Roots
Are you 14-18 and looking for a fun and engaging job experience working outside and in your community! Apply to work at Urban Roots for a chance to work in our urban gardens, kitchens, and local parks while building 21st century job skills, learning more about environmental issues and creating a positive impact on your community!
Youth Internship Program
- Work 9 weeks generally beginning the third week of June
- Opportunities to continue working during the school year
- Earn $13.50/hour
- Work in 1 of 3 programs: Market Garden, Cook Fresh and Conservation
- There are opportunities for advancement each year you participate
- First Year Position
- Work 15 hours a week learning job skills and knowledge in one of three programs
- Entry job skills training in resume writing, financial literacy, searching for jobs
- Second year position
- Work at least 18 hours a week
- Apply skills to program specific activities and serve in mentoring role to seed crew youth
- Eligible to participate in our youth council
- Third year position
- Work up to 22 hours a week
- Take on an increased leadership role in your crew
- Participate in off-site career connections
- Crew Lead
- Fourth year position
- Work 32 hours a week
- Serve as a leader of your crew
- Take on special program responsibilities and projects
- Students ages 14-18 (as of our June start date)
- Students who live or go to school on the East Side of Saint Paul receive preference
- Students who qualify for free or reduced price lunch
- Students who are NOT enrolled in summer school are given first preference
- Students who are excited to learn and are looking forward to working hard outdoors
We are a Right Track program partner which has two hiring round each year, one for summer internships and one for school year internships.
Steps for summer internship
- February 1-28th: Fill out the Right Track Application for YJ1 to see if you qualify. Right Track Application
- March: Attend a workshop hosted by Right Track to prepare your resume and get tips for participating in a job interview
- April: Attend the Right Track job fair and select Urban Roots as one of your top choices. Later in the month we will contact you for an interview.
- May: If offered a position you will need to fill out payroll and hiring paperwork
- June: Begin Working!
Steps for school year internship
- In August or early September reach out to David <> or Jacylne <> to learn if there are openings and how to apply.
Work in 1 of our 3 Programs:

Market Garden
- Operate an urban-farm business though planting, tending to, and harvesting vegetable crops
- Sell the produce you grew at the farmers market
- Learn about the environment and the food system through a hands-on curriculum
- Grow and eat delicious produce

Cook Fresh
- Learn basic cooking skills for healthy meal making
- Work one shift in the gardens for a true farm-to table experience
- Develop and practice recipes utilizing farm fresh produce
- Prepare a weekly summer lunch for all 75 interns

- Participate in the restoration of local parks by removing displaced plant species and planting native plants.
- Engage in citizen science by helping conduct bee surveys and monitor water quality
- Use Urban Roots bikes to get to work sites
- Develop and lead outreach opportunities to help our community connect with and learn about the environment